2nd August 2021
How is my insurance affected by working from home?
Following the changes of the last 18 months, it’s projected that 25-30% of the global workforce will be utilising a hybrid way of working from 2021, with days spent evenly within an office environment and at home.*
Whilst some businesses and employees have relished the perks of working from home, many others are urging their teams to reconsider and come back full time, claiming that wellbeing is being compromised through remote working.
From the 1st of August, the government standpoint will switch to encourage a return to office spaces, meaning that anyone who continues to operate from home on a permanent or semi-permanent basis will be doing so by choice, not necessity.
Seven in ten are not aware that they should inform their insurer, should this be the case, or risk invalidating their cover.**
So, what changes do employers need to make to ensure employees are fully covered?
As many employers move towards a flexible style of working, it’s important to ensure the correct policies are in place.
For example, encouraging your employees to check their home insurance policies, as work or office equipment may not be protected against theft or accidental damage.
If you or your team are keeping stock at home, it’s also advised to ensure those items are accounted for.
To learn more about how we can protect you, contact us today.
*Global Workplace Analytics
**The Independent
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To discuss your specific insurance needs get in touch and we will be pleased to help.
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