Engineering Insurance & Inspection
An engineering insurance policy provides cover for Sudden and Unforeseen Damage for specified items of machinery caused by breakdown, collapse and other specified perils.
Covers may also be extended to provided cover for resultant damage to other surrounding property. Many businesses believe that these covers are afforded within other business insurance products covering property, however, in many instances these cover are specifically excluded and Engineering Insurance cover is required to provide full protection.
There is a statutory requirement on operators of all lifting and pressure plant and machinery to have these items inspected within specified timeframes to ensure they remain in good working order.
An inspection doesn’t take the place of maintenance, it is an examination carried out by a qualified inspector, who is both independent and impartial, to identify any defects and weaknesses, and ensure the safe and continued use of your equipment. Inspectors tend to be either qualified engineers or surveyors, who can also advise on maintenance and usage. They will issue you with a Certificate of Inspection, listing any faults or defects that need repairing, and if they find anything dangerous, they may well ask for equipment to be taken out of service until repaired.
Regular inspections will not only prevent potential hazards, but also save time and money, and ensure your equipment complies with UK health and safety legislation. Where there has been incorrect installation or deterioration, and there are significant health and safety risks, it is absolutely essential that inspections are carried out.
We can advise on the level of insurance cover that best meets your needs, giving you the peace of mind that your equipment will be regularly inspected and protected against all insurable risks.

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Call 020 8554 5500 During Business Hours (Mon-Fri)

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